Emergency management

As documented in the Emergency Management Act 1986, the Emergency Management Act 2013, the Local Government Act 1989 and many other Acts, councils play a critical role in Victoria’s emergency management arrangements.

This information has been developed to provide residents of the City of Greater Geelong with guidance on what we do when it comes to emergency management as well as provide a source of information that can be used prior to, during and following an event.

Prevention (before)

This is the elimination or reduction of the incidence or severity of emergencies and the mitigation of their effects, however, not all emergencies can be prevented.

Communities need to also be resilient.

Risk management

The Emergency Risk Management approach assumes that even though major emergencies occur infrequently and unpredictably, the risk of loss or damage caused by an emergency is always present to some extent

For example: Thunderstorms can develop rapidly and it is always important to be prepared in case of high severity.

During a thunderstorm you should visit the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website to see live radar images and ensure you are aware of any possible danger.

The Bureau of Meteorology has provided us with radar images of the severe thunderstorm which occurred January 27th 2016 to help show how quickly a thunderstorm can develop.

Response (during)

This means responding to emergencies and the provision of services to the emergency services and those affected.

For example: this means such things as  the Country Fire Authority (CFA) dispatching equipment and other resources to support the fire fight, SES sending out people to remove debris during and after a storm and Victoria Police coordinating response operations.

We will also be responding to requests for assistance in regards to City roads, trees, properties and reserves

We may support the agencies if requested.

Relief and recovery (during and after)

This involves assisting communities affected by an emergency to achieve a proper and effective level of functioning.

This may involve provision of shelter or clothes or information in the first instance that then will flow onto long term assistance or advocacy and referral to agencies.

The City in partnership with Emergency Recovery Victoria and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, leads the relief / recovery process.

Recovery involves cooperation between all levels of government, non-government, community agencies, the private sector and the community.

  • After the flood
  • Emergency relief centres
  • Our role in emergencies

Page last updated: Tuesday, 2 January 2024
