Our role in emergencies

We work in partnership with agencies to plan for and respond to emergencies to reduce the consequences on the communities of Geelong.

As documented in the Emergency Management Act 1986, the Emergency Management Act 2013, the Local Government Act 1989 and many other Acts, councils play a critical role in Victoria’s emergency management arrangements.

When an emergency occurs, we respond in a number of ways. There is a legislated role to support response agencies and to coordinate relief and recovery efforts.

The purpose of our involvement is to reduce the consequences of emergencies on the communities of Geelong.



  • collaborate with agencies to develop and maintain the Greater Geelong Municipal Emergency Management Plan - this identifies the hazards and risks for Geelong as well as the roles and responsibilities or each of the agencies involved and includes a number of sub plans.
  • implement relevant local government legislation such as health, fire prevention, the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme, building and planning inspections and permits as well as maintaining a number of our assets such as roads drains, parks and community buildings
  • work with other agencies and councils to increase our capacity to support the communities after an emergency.

Our Events team also works with event organisers in the development of their emergency plans specific to their event.

During and immediately after an emergency


  • support agencies such as VicPol, CFA/FRV, SES, VicRoads and EPA in responding to emergencies by being part of the incident control team and provision of some resources if requested.
  • coordinate, in partnership with agencies and support the residents by assisting in the distribution of warnings and information to the public and media.
  • set up a relief centre to provide shelter, food, information personal support services and possible access to State Government grants, should Victoria Police decide to evacuate an area.
  • provide road/tree clearing, traffic management support, animal welfare related services.
  • providing information
  • identify local agencies that could be of assistance and linking communities and agencies
  • advocating to state and federal governments.

Recovering from an emergency

We work long term with communities and other agencies to minimise the impact and consequence of the emergency on the communities.

There will be a variety of information and agencies that will be able provide you with information to assist in your decision making and recovery from an emergency.

Page last updated: Monday, 4 December 2023
