What to do in an emergency

In an emergency, it is important to stay informed and follow the instructions of emergency services staff.

You can:

  • stay up to date - access information through the Vicemergency website or listen to ABC radio (774)
  • follow the advice provided by the State Government Emergency Alert System if you receive a voice message on your landline or a text message on your mobile phone - you should not wait to receive a warning message before your act
  • ensure your safety and follow your emergency plan or your personal evacuation plan if it is safe to do so
  • consider moving outside the area at risk, if you have to evacuate, to:
    • the homes of family and friends
    • the Geelong Central Business District or
    • other townships

We will nominate an emergency relief centre when we are requested by the Control Agency's Incident Controller.

Page last updated: Monday, 4 December 2023
