A major hazard facility is a nominated Worksafe
Major hazard facilities are industrial sites that store, handle or process large quantities of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods, including petroleum products over pre-determined threshold limits which are set by WorkSafe.
They must be licensed and follow strict legal requirements.
Examples include:
- oil refineries chemical manufacturing sites
- gas-processing plants, LPG facilities
- some warehouses and transport depots.
Victoria has 38 of these sites as identified by WorkSafe.
At April 2019, we have four major hazard
facilities within our municipal footprint.
Any incident at these facilities may have an impact
on the surrounding area, people and industries.
All facilities must establish and implement a
documented safety management system. This
is the primary means of ensuring the safe operation of the facility.
During an emergency
Stay informed by using the VicEmergency website
or download the VicEmergency app.
If an incident occurs, the relevant emergency
service will keep the public informed and provide advice on what actions nearby
property owners/occupiers need to do.
After an emergency
Stay informed. Information can be accessed about specific support for affected areas
through the Vicemergency website.
The type of support will depend on the type and size
of the incident.