Sirovilla Retirement Village

Sirovilla owns and manages a 64 units retirement village for lower income older persons in Highton.

Sirovilla is affordable long term housing for older people capable of independent living.

See website for details on waiting list and eligibility.

Listing details

Address: Wadawurrung Country, 32-52 Broughton Drive, Highton 3216 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Service area: City of Greater Geelong

Phone: 03 5241 1517
Email: [email protected]

Cost: Fortnightly rent.
Referral: no
Eligibility: aged pension
Waiting list: Yes - See website for more information.
Volunteer opportunities: Yes - Gardening, social activities.
Public transport access: Yes - Bus stop on Geelong Road at front of the Village.