Wathaurong Aboriginal Health Service

Wathaurong Aboriginal Health Service is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health facility which follows a holistic model of health delivery to treat, advocate and
educate all clients who attend our service in a culturally appropriate setting.

A multidisciplinary team of clinical and allied health professional’s work together to ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

The Health Service provides Medicare bulk billing for: general practice, nursing, dental, diabetes education, pathology, psychology, paediatrics, audiology, obstetrics and gynaecology.

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, 62 Morgan Street, North Geelong 3215 VIC Australia
Postal address: Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 402, North Geelong 3215 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Website: www.wathaurong.org.au/health-services/

Phone: 03 5277 2038
Email: [email protected]