Rotary Club of Belmont

Rotary International is 1.2 million neighbours, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.

The Rotary Club of Belmont gives you the opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ and leave a positive impact
in the local Geelong Community.

Our club is currently supporting the following programs and organisations:

  • The Social Inclusion Project run by Headspace Geelong
  • Drought Relief to Farming communities
  • Defy the Drift assisting young people to consider farming as a career
  • Bike Program at Oberon High School
  • Garden and Breakfast Program at Oberon South Primary School
  • Student Mock Interviews
  • The Gordon Student Encouragement Awards
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
    Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)
  • Shelterbox Australia
  • Bagong Barrio Education Fund
  • along with many other local and international people and organisations.

Also, don’t forget our weekly Sausage Sizzle in High Street Belmont and our Annual Trailer Raffle which raise funds for the above.

For more information about Rotary and the things we can achieve, visit our website.

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, 50 Barwon Heads Road, Belmont 3216 VIC Australia
Postal address: Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 43, Belmont 3216 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Affiliations: Rotary International
Service area: Belmont, City of Greater Geelong

Contact: Henry Fitzell
Mobile: 0417 544 484
Email: [email protected]

Volunteer opportunities: Yes
Wheelchair accessible? Yes