Let's Make Music!

Every child is born a musician and Let's make Music! provides the perfect environment for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and the adults that love them to make music together.

Classes are full of singing and dancing and ultilise quality instruments and engaging props.

Parents love sharing in the fun of music with their kids and learn the skills and confidence to make music an integral part of their every day lives.

  •    singing 
  •    dancing 
  •     playing instruments 
  •     rhymes 
  •     games 
  •     music literacy 
  •     based on Kodaly and Orff philosophies of music   education 
Research shows that early childhood experiences lay the foundation for music development later in life. So, why not give your child the gift of music? 

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, 174 Barrabool Road, Highton 3216 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Website: www.geelongyouthchoir.com/our-choirs/preschoolers
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Geelong-Youth-Choir-Inc-189497941183138

Contact: Geelong Youth Choir
Mobile: 0414 806 228
Email: [email protected]