Geelong Community Support Register

The Register is a database of personal information voluntarily provided by those in need of community support living in the City of Greater Geelong.

The information collected can be accessed by the Police and other emergency services in order to assist authorities with information required during medical or other emergencies.

The Register is based at the Corio Police station. It is available to all City of Greater Geelong residents, except those already covered by the Bellarine Peninsula Register.

Why have a Community Support Register?

The Register aims to enhance people’s feeling of security, confidence and wellbeing.

If Registrants are unable to provide medical or personal information, perhaps due to a fall, illness or other emergency, vital and timely information can be made available to emergency services personnel.

Registrants are provided with a welcome pack, including a fridge magnet, window sticker, key-ring and Register card for their wallet or purse. These items help to identify them as being part of the Register.

The Register team also offers a regular telephone call to those who request this service.

There is no cost for residents to register.

Listing details

Address: Wadawurrung Country, 117 Bacchus Marsh Road, Corio 3214 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated

Phone: 03 5275 1607
Email: [email protected]