Gymbaroo Geelong

GymbaROO is privately operated business franchise that conducts sessions teaching children motor development and parents the importance of 'Early Childhood Neuro (Brain) Development' to Health, Behaviour and Learning.

The activities involve a wide range of movement experiences for the children, using specially designed and constructed equipment to GymbaROO's stringent requirements.

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, Barwon Valley Activity Centre, 1 Barwon Heads Road, Belmont 3216 VIC Australia
Postal address: Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 6059, Highton 3216 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated

Email: [email protected]

Additional information: Gymbaroo provides activities to help infants learn about themselves and their world.

They will be stimulated by lots of tummy time, exercises, massage and music.

Children learn more in their first few years of life than in any other time in their lives. Gymbaroo aims to encourage children to be happy, bright and to love learning and to give them every opportunity to reach their full potential.