Ocean Grove Cricket Club Inc

OGCC caters for cricketers and cricket fans alike.

We field 4 senior mens teams, junior teams, womens team, as well as run a Woolworths 'Cricket Blast' program for those under the age of 11 years.

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, Shell Road Reserve, 52-60 Shell Road, Ocean Grove 3226 VIC Australia
Postal address: Wadawurrung Country, 20 Carinae Court Ocean Grove 3226 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Meeting venue: Wadawurrung Country, Shell Road Sports Pavillion, Shell Road Reserve,
52-60 Shell Road, Ocean Grove 3226
Reserve: Shell Road Reserve
Affiliations: BPCA
Website: www.oceangrovecricket.com.au/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OGCCGrubbers/

Contact: Bruno Borci
Mobile: 0402581590
Email: [email protected]

We cater for: Juniors, Seniors,