Leopold Kindergarten

Leopold Kindergarten is a community based kindergarten, which highly values the support and involvement of our kindergarten families within the educational program.

Our goals are to encourage children to be active and creative explorers and to express their individuality through their own ideas.

We foster a positive sense of one’s self in order for our children to be independent, self confident and happy.

Our stimulating, large outdoor play area presents our children with a diversity of play situations – active, physical play, yet allows quiet time to themselves all in a natural safe garden environment

Listing details

Address: Wadawurrung Country, 29 Kanimbla Avenue, Leopold 3224 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Education
Affiliations: Bethany Kindergarten Services, Bethany Community Support.
Service area: City of Greater Geelong, Leopold
Website: https://www.meli.org.au/kindergarten/leopold-kindergarten/

Contact: Enrolment Officer
Phone: 03 5273 0200
Email: [email protected]