Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative

Aboriginal Stronger Families

The Aboriginal Stronger Families Program was established in May 2013. The program partners with Glastonbury Community Services and is located between Glastonbury and Wathaurong, however it is intended that the program will move to Wathaurong in the future. The program offers intensive and long term (up to 12 months) family case support to enable Aboriginal children who are at imminent risk of being placed in care for the first time to remain at home with their parents or to support the child’s return to their parents care when safe to do so. The program works closely with the family concerned and Department of Human Services (DHS).

Listing details

Street address: Wadawurrung Country, 62 Morgan Street, North Geelong 3215 VIC Australia
Postal address: Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 402, North Geelong 3215 VIC Australia
Organisation type: Community group or not-for-profit – incorporated
Service area: City of Greater Geelong
Website: www.wathaurong.org.au/aboriginal-stronger-families

Phone: 03 5277 0044
Email: [email protected]

Eligibility: Families must be on an order with DHS to be eligible for the program