The development of land requires infrastructure and suitable planning.
The Development Contributions Plan (DCP) is a way by which we will charge new development in the growth area for contributions towards planned infrastructure projects.
It is a certain and transparent means by which we can recover some of the costs towards the on-going provision of adequate development and community infrastructure.
Money received through the DCP will go towards a varied range of projects such as:
- road and drainage upgrades
- landscaping and streetscaping works
- improvements to parks
- community centres
- neighbourhood houses
- libraries
- sporting facilities
- youth facilities
- community health centres
- bike paths
- public lighting and toilet blocks.
The DCP outlines why and how we will charge new development for a financial contribution towards planned infrastructure projects from which that development will benefit.
The DCP is incorporated in the Planning Scheme via a standard planning scheme amendment process.
The reason for Development Contributions Plans
To help us guide and facilitate urban growth across the
municipality we have implemented development contributions plans across various growth areas,
ensuring these growing communities are provided with essential transport,
drainage, community and recreation infrastructure.
A Development Contributions Plan (DCP) is a mechanism used to levy new development for contributions as allowed for under the Planning and Environment Act (1987).
The Development Contributions Plan for each
Precinct details the costs and timing of all key infrastructure projects required
to facilitate growth of these new communities. The calculated development contributions represent a dollar value that is applied across all unencumbered, developable land to ensure all parties developing subdivisions are paying an equal share of the infrastructure costs.
A DCP specifies the type of infrastructure to be provided, shows cost and apportionment and allows us to collect development infrastructure levies.
Development contributions can be payments towards or works-in-kind for the provision of infrastructure. Work-in-kind include the building of infrastructure (for example: traffic signals or drainage works).
Approved DCPs are included in the Planning Scheme and are implemented by applying a Development Contributions Plan Overlay and associated schedule to an area.