Approval Procedure for Open Space Development Projects Council Policy

Approval Procedure for Open Space Development Projects Document No: CPL220.6
Approval Date:  8 Oct 2008
Approved By: Council
Review Date: October 2011
Expiry Date:  
Version No:  02
Responsible Officer: Manager – Sport & Recreation
Authorising Officer:    Chief Executive Officer


To provide direction in treating open space development projects under the zoning provisions for Public Park and Recreation Zone, Public Conservation and Resource Zone and Public Use Zone, where no statutory planning permit is required.


This policy applies to all construction/development works on public open space managed by the City of Greater Geelong.

Council policy

Classification of projects

Zoning provisions, certain projects on open space areas did not require a statutory planning permit. Similarly, it is important that projects are classified in relation to the need for public input into the planning process.

Projects of a nature that are consistent with the purpose of the reserve do not require a planning permit. It is proposed that this approach should remain, subject to the impact of the development on adjoining residents and/or the amenity of the reserve. Such judgement is to be made by the responsible General Manager in consultation with the relevant Manager and Project Officer.

Examples of projects which should not be subject to a formal consultation process. These are projects that are associated with the predominant activity of that reserve. In these instances the approval of the public land manager, as represented by the General Manager will be regarded as sufficient:
  • scoreboards
  • coaches/timekeepers’ boxes
  • playgrounds
  • fencing
  • carparks
  • bike paths
  • minor pavilion improvements
  • sports ground developments, for example: Installation of irrigation/drainage systems
  • practice nets
  • elements of an approved Council master plan/management plan/landscape plan, which has already included community consultation.
Examples of projects which may be required to follow the proposed consultation process:
  • training/sports lighting
  • skate parks
  • lighting of car parks
  • storage sheds
Examples of projects which will be required to follow the proposed consultation process:
  • major pavilion extensions
  • new pavilions
  • telecommunication towers
  • large signs

Where the public land manager is not confident with giving consent for the project to proceed, or to be dealt with via the proposed consultation process, the decision will be made to decline the approval and refer the matter to a formal statutory planning process.

The public land manager also has the power to reject the application outright, in the first instance.

Consultation process

For projects that require a formal consultation process to be undertaken, the process will be as follows:

  • Formal notification shall be given to residents adjoining or opposite the site of development and to key user/stakeholder groups associated with the park/reserve, to inform them about the proposed project. This notification must advise the closing date for submissions (to be fourteen (14) days after the date of delivery) and clearly indicate where plans can be viewed. Delivery of letters is to be certified by the project officer if hand delivered, or be sent via Australia Post.
  • An A3 laminated sign is to be placed on a backing board and displayed at major entrances to the site for a period of fourteen (14) days.
  • All submissions are to be made in writing to the responsible General Manager prior to the closing date for submissions, as indicated on the planning notice on site. Submissions received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • In the case of major developments, a notice is to be placed in the Public Notices section of the local papers on at least two occasions, over the two week period prior to the closing date for submissions.
  • Submission will need to address issues relevant to the planning aspects of the project not the motivation of the initiative.  .

Mediation/information sharing meeting

A mediation/information sharing meeting is to be conducted if Council receives an objection following the consultation period which cannot be easily resolved. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for the applicant or the instigating community group, the objector(s) and Council Officers to have an open discussion in relation to the proposed project and any issues of concern identified by individuals or groups of residents. It provides an opportunity for all parties to become better informed about the detail of the project and the matters of dispute.

The process for the mediation meeting will be as follows:

  • Relevant Manager or their nominee to convene and chair the meeting.
  • The Project Officer and/or the instigating community group to be given the opportunity to explain the nature of the proposed project.
  • Objector(s) to be given the opportunity to outline their concerns.
  • The principle issues to be established and discussed. This will firstly involve the chair summarising the issues. Additional input from the objector(s) is then invited for clarification and/or expansion of the matters under discussion. The instigating community group and/or Project Officer is then given an opportunity to respond to the issue raised.
  • The chair may seek to establish common ground for further discussion. If it is obvious that no common ground/consensus can be reached, discussion will move onto the next issue. Issues will be progressed individually.
  • At the conclusion of the meeting if any objector decides to withdraw their objection, confirmation will be sought in writing. This written withdrawal must be received within ten (10) days of the date of the mediation meeting.
  • If matters are not resolved at the end of a mediation meeting, the planning application shall be referred to the Subsmissions Review Panel for decision. All parties will be provided with written advice of the time, date and location of the Panel Hearing.


Reserve – refers to those open space areas where Council is the public land manager.



Quality records

Quality records shall be retained for at least the period shown below.

Record Retention/Disposal Responsibility Retention Period Location
Records of consultation process. Corporate Records 7 years Central Records


  • Committee Terms of Reference, Submissions Review Panel – 25/03/03

Page last updated: Monday, 9 September 2024
