Council Consents

We may vary some provisions in the Building Regulations when we issue a Council Report and Consent.

A Report and Consent is the process for consulting with and obtaining the approval of a reporting authority when building work may affect assets, infrastructure, streetscape or the amenity of the community.  These applications relate to building work being carried out under a building permit.

Your appointed building surveyor cannot issue a building permit unless they are satisfied that any required Report and Consent has been obtained.

Consent types

Council Consents can be broken down into three separate types.

Each type of Council Consent has a different application form:

  1. Council Consent Non-Siting Matters
    example: projections beyond street, public protection, unsewered areas, land liable to flooding
  2. Council Consent Siting Matters
    examples: setbacks, wall heights and lengths, site coverage
  3. Drainage Easement
    For construction over or excavation into a drainage easement

When a Report and Consent is needed

You must get a Report and Consent if your building project does not meet a requirement of the Building Regulations 2018.

Report and Consent applications generally relate to:

  • Siting (Part 5 of the Building Regulations) - the siting and positioning of domestic buildings that do not meet the standard regulations, such as reducing the minimum frontage setback, exceeding maximum building heights or
  • Projections beyond street alignment Part 6 of the Building Regulations, and building works that are above or below certain public facilities (Regulation 134) or
  • Building in areas liable to flooding or construction on designated land or designated works (Regulations 153 and 154): or
  • Building over or near an easement (Regulation 130) or
  • Installing precaution to protect the public over the street alignment (Regulation 116) or
  • Demolition of a building (Section 29a of the Building Act).

If you have engaged a Building Surveyor, it is most likely that they will be able to assist you with the application or apply on your behalf.


Varying an already approved Consent

Where you have already received consent for your design but now need to vary it, you must apply to council for this change.  To begin the process please complete an application form and submit this to [email protected]


Page last updated: Friday, 28 June 2024
