Our Future 30 year community vision

At the July 2017 council meeting, our Administrators endorsed the community-vision document, Greater Geelong: A Clever and Creative Future.

This document is intended to guide Council, how we engage with our community and how our region develops over the next 30 years.

We worked with 14 Our Future community partners and engaged more than 16,000 people between September 2016 to May 2017 to develop this blueprint and vision:

By 2047, Greater Geelong will be internationally recognised as a clever and creative city-region that is forward looking, enterprising and adaptive, and cares for its people and environment.

At the vision’s heart are a series of community-led aspirations focusing on our region’s economy and employment, the environment, arts and culture, transport connections, safety, tourism, digital access and leadership. 

The vision clarifies a long-term focus for our region, which will assist us to attract business opportunities and investment and inform how the region grows.

We will play an integral role in delivering the community’s vision and will report their progress and performance against the vision document’s milestones.

Page last updated: Tuesday, 21 November 2023
