We can help your business by providing industry, demographic and forecast data.
Geelong economic profile
View detailed industry, tourism, work force and trend data.
These profiles use different methodologies and their estimates may vary. Each profile offers different features.
We can assist you with economic impact modelling to help you estimate the flow-on impacts of your business or organisation. This is especially useful for funding applications.
City of Greater Geelong community profile
Do you want to know...
- how many people live in Geelong?
- who we are?
- what we do?
- how we live?
- where we live?
Answers to these questions and many more can be found on our City of Greater Geelong Community Profile website which provides a detailed socio-demographic profile of the Greater Geelong Local Government Area (LGA) and it's suburbs and townships.
City of Greater Geelong population forecasts
Do you want to know...
- how many people are forecast to live here in the future?
- how old we will be?
- how we will live?
- where we will live?
The City of Greater Geelong Population Forecasts website can provide you with information on what the Geelong community may look like in the future. The forecasts are designed to provide community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public with information to make confident decisions about the future.
The forecasts are produced by an external agency (.id Consulting) and are based on ABS results from the 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991 Censuses of Population and Housing, in conjunction with information provided by the City of Greater Geelong.
City of Greater Geelong community atlas
The City of Greater Geelong Social Atlas website delivers Census data in a suite of thematic maps which show how target populations are distributed across a local government area (for example: children, elderly, disadvantaged).
There are many interactive maps each showing different population characteristics from the 2011 and 2016 Censuses of Population and Housing.
Each map is prepared using the smallest level possible (Census Collection Districts), providing the finest level of detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends in the area.
The site compliments the information we have on our community profile and population forecast pages.
My Victoria
Insights into the City of Greater Geelong:
- demographic and industry data
- building activity
- upcoming state government projects
- key services and facilities
My Victoria information is available by postcode, suburb, Local Government Area and Region.