Stats Centre – Job advertisement data

Job advertisement data is used as a measure of demand for labour.

Job advertisements – Geelong and Surf Coast

A total of 7,203 job vacancies were newly advertised online on SEEK, Career One and JobSearch in the September 2024 quarter. A decrease of 15.4 percent compared to the previous quarter, and a decrease in newly advertised vacancies of 32.4 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

The average number of job ads added to SEEK, Career One and JobSearch each quarter during the 2023-2024 financial year was 9,496, a decrease of 12.3 percent compared to 2022-23 yet an increase of 10.0 percent compared to 2021-22.

Online job advertisements^
(Geelong and Surf Coast)
New quarterly job advertisements
Percentage change*
Latest quarter (September 2024)
Previous quarter (June 2024)
Same quarter last year (September 2023)
Annual quarterly averages


New online job advertisements – Geelong and Surf Coast

New online Job advertisements for the Geelong and Surf Coast Click to enlarge image

Source: Jobs and Skills Australia - Internet Vacancy Index - Regional Data.

Online job advertisements^

Occupational groups

In the September 2024 quarter, the number of new online job advertisements fell in all of the eight occupational groups compared to the previous quarter.  The groups where the number of job advertisments decreased the least were Technicians and Trades Workers (down 3.3 percent) and Labourers (-9.5%) ; the groups with the largest decreases were Professionals (down 20.1 percent) and Clerical and Administrative Workers (-19.9%). 

Compared to the same quarter in 2023, the number of new online job advertisements also fell in all of the eight occupational groups. The groups where the number of job advertisments decreased the least were Sales Workers (down 24.6 percent) and Technicians and Trades Workers (-25.0 %); the groups with the largest decrease were Professionals (down 39.1 percent) and Labourers (-36.8%).

New online job advertisements – September 2024 quarter
Number of new job advertisements
Quarterly % change
Annual % change
Technicians and Trades Workers
Community and Personal Service Workers
Clerical and Administrative Workers
Sales Workers
Machinery Operators and Drivers
Total Geelong and Surf Coast

New job advertisements by occupation, September Quarter 2024 - Geelong and Surf Coast

Pie chart of new online job advertisements by major occupational group - Geelong and Surf Coast Click to enlarge image

Number of new job advertisements by detailed occupation, September Quarter 2024 - Geelong and Surf Coast

chart of new online job advertisements by ANZSCO- Geelong and Surf Coast Click to enlarge image

Detailed occupations – annual trends

In the year to the September 2024 quarter, at the detailed occupational level, the number of new job advertisements increased in only 1 of the 48 occupational groups; the Sales Support Workers occupational group increased by 3 new job ads (+6.0 percent).

The occupational groups that recorded the smallest annual decrease in the number of new online job advertisements were Machine and Stationary Plant Operators (3 less job advertisements, -3.8 percent), Chief Executives, Managing Directors & Legislators (-3 ads, -7.8%) and Hairdressers, Printing, Clothing and Wood Trades Workers (-6 ads, -12.2%).

The occupational groups that recorded the largest annual decrease in the number of new online job advertisements were Medical Practitioners and Nurses (553 less job advertisements, -45.5 percent), Health Diagnostic and Therapy Professionals (-254 ads, -44.2%) and Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals (-227ads, -39.0%).

Occupations with an increase or the lowest annual decrease in the number of new job advertisements
September 2024 quarter
Annual change
Annual % change
Sales Support Workers
+3 +6.0%
Machine and Stationary Plant Operators
Chief Executives, Managing Directors & Legislators  -3  -7.8%
Hairdressers, Printing, Clothing and Wood Trades Workers
Construction and Mining Labourers
Occupations with the largest annual decrease in the number of new job advertisements
September 2024 quarter
Annual change
Annual % change
Medical Practitioners and Nurses
-553 -45.5%
Health Diagnostic and Therapy Professionalsrkers -254 -44.2%
Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals -227 -39.0%
Carers and Aides
-185 -23.5%
General-Inquiry Clerks, Call Centre Workers, and Receptionists -184 -2.35%

Source and explanatory notes
*Percentage change is based on differences between the latest month and earlier figures as specified.

^Data sourced from The Internet Vacancy Index (IVI), Regional Data (averaged), and is a count by Jobs and Skills Australia of job advertisements newly lodged on the SEEK, CareerOne and Australian JobSearch online job boards. Duplicate advertisements are removed, and the data is seasonally adjusted. Job advertisements are concorded to the best fit for Geelong and Surf Coast from the three job boards and coded to occupations based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations - ANZSCO. Monthly data may be revised.

A map of the Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) regions can be found on the Internet Vacancy Index methodology page.

Useful websites

Page last updated: Friday, 8 November 2024
