
Whilst all sectors of business and investment are crucial to the growth of Geelong, Economic Development have targeted projects in the following areas.


In 2017 the City of Greater Geelong in conjunction with partners Regional Development Victoria (RDV) and G21, initiated the development of an agribusiness strategy for the region.

The aim of the strategy was to recognise the enormous transition from sheep and wool farming and production, to the myriad of agribusinesses in the region today.

Agribusiness includes:

  • agriculture and supplies and machinery
  • farming, forestry and aquaculture
  • manufacturing dairy and goat products, wineries and food production
  • wholesale of any of these products
  • agri-tourism.

Learn more about the Sustainable Agribusiness Strategy for the G21 Region 2017-2022.

Economic Development have produced an update to the Sustainable Agribusiness Strategy Issues paper - post 2016 Census releases, called G21 Agribusiness Economic Profile - 2018.

The G21 Agri Collective evolved from the G21 Agribusiness Forum to support the sustainable operations of agribusiness industry sectors in the G21 Region. The Agri Collective is a not-for-profit coordination and management entity for stakeholder organisations.  The G21 Agri Collective Strategic Plan 2020-2022 has been developed to guide how operators collaborate, connect and develop markets.

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Clean technologies

Cleantech Innovations Geelong is a business and industry support program to develop markets for clean technologies (cleantech). Our vision is to establish Geelong as a Centre of Excellence for cleantech in Australia, by attracting investment, creating jobs and building skills.

The program has been operating since 2014, delivering positive economic growth and sustainability outcomes for Greater Geelong. Funding has been secured to continue providing business support during 2018-2021. The program is in line with Geelong's designation as a UNESCO City of Design and the community-led 30 year vision for a clever and creative future.

Clean technology is defined as economically viable products, services and processes that; harness renewable materials and energy sources; dramatically reduce the use of natural resources; and cut or eliminate emissions and waste.

Businesses in the Geelong region can access support to develop markets for clean technologies, through a partnership between the City of Greater Geelong, the Geelong Manufacturing Council and the state government.

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Geelong has strong manufacturing and engineering expertise, coupled with cutting edge research offered through Deakin University as well as providing a practical and highly efficient investment location for defence related activity, markets, customers and suppliers, such as, Geelong is ideally suited to defence activity.

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 Start-ups and Runway

The Economic Development team is supporting start-ups taking part in a small business program. The aim is to develop and establish a start-up business sector in our region, creating employment opportunities and attracting more investment to Geelong.

The start-up community has enormous support in developing and commercialising new ideas through the Runway Program.

A new crop of entrepreneurs and small business start-ups are emerging at Runway Geelong headquarters in North Geelong.

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 UNESCO - Geelong City of Design

In October 2017, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) designated Geelong as a City of Design.

We are Australia's first (and only) City of Design and join an international network of 180 cities committed to the power of creativity and innovation in building sustainable cities.

It's about collaboration, culture, planning, people and prosperity - working together for a clever and creative future for all.

Design embodies a definition as diverse as our community. The UCCN designation recognises the design history of Greater Geelong. From the region's Aboriginal heritage, to textiles and wool production, automotive manufacturing and surf culture, design is embedded in our community.

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Page last updated: Tuesday, 19 March 2024
