A front fence is defined as a fence that is within three metres of the front boundary at the front of the allotment.
Note: separate provisions apply to fences at intersections (or corners).
Any front fence constructed of brick, stone, masonry etc over 1.2 metres high requires a building permit. A timber or steel frame front fence over 1.5 metres high requires a building permit.
Most front fences over 1.5 metres in height will also require a council report and consent.
The only exception to this is for fences facing a Declared Road. A Declared Road is a freeway or arterial road under the Road Management Act 2004. In this case, council consent is required for fences over two metres in height.
Height is measured above the natural ground level.
Barbed wire must be at least 150 millimetres back from the street alignment, or at least two metres above the street level.
A Street Occupation Permit is required where works are undertaken beyond the property boundary (for example: using the footpath or nature strip to store materials, using scaffolding or temporary fencing). A Council Report and Consent is required where precautions project beyond the street alignment, as determined by the relevant Building Surveyor.