Fences abutting City land

The Fences Act 1968 describes property owner responsibilities for dividing fence costs.

Under the Fences Act, we are not required to contribute funding towards dividing fences abutting City-owned or managed land that is a public park or public reserve.

For new dividing fences or repairing/replacing existing dividing fences:

  • We will not contribute towards the costs for fences where we are exempt under the Fences Act.
  • We will not contribute towards the costs for fences abutting City-owned or managed public parks or public reserves.
  • We may contribute towards the costs for fences abutting City-owned car parks and community facilities which are not located on land designated as a public park or public reserve.

Fences abutting City-owned or managed public parks or public reserves

We will not contribute towards the costs to erect a new dividing fence or repair/replace an existing dividing fence abutting City-owned or managed public parks or public reserves.

Reserves include but are not limited to public parks, public reserves, road reserves, drainage reserves, recreation reserves, etc.

In this case, all dividing fence costs are a private landowner’s responsibility.

Fences abutting City-owned car parks and community facilities

Community facilities include public halls, libraries, community centres, kindergartens, etc.

City-owned car parks and community facilities must not be located on land designated as a public park or public reserve.

Subject to our written pre-approval, we may contribute up to half the cost to erect a new dividing fence or repair/replace an existing dividing fence abutting City-owned car parks and community facilities.

Where we agree to contribute towards fencing costs, the contractor undertaking the work must be one of our approved fencing contractors. Please contact the City's Procurement Services team for a list of current contractors - email [email protected] or call 5272 5272.

Fence standards

Where we are required to contribute towards the cost of fencing, we will pay half the cost:

  • for a standard timber paling fence to a height of 1.65 metres
  • towards demolition and removal of the existing fence
  • based on the lowest-price quote

Any fence outside this standard requires our pre-approval in writing. Any additional costs associated with an above standard fence are a private landowner's responsibility.

Fences abutting Crown Land

Fences abutting Crown Land are not our responsibility. Please contact the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action for assistance.

Page last updated: Tuesday, 6 August 2024
