Health and Beauty Registration

If you want to open a new health or beauty business you will need to be registered under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act.

A beauty business includes activities such as hairdressing, beauty therapy (that is: waxing, threading, manicuring, laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), spray tanning, eyelash extensions etc), body piercing, colonic irrigation or tattooing.

Massage businesses are not required to be registered unless skin penetration is included in the activities. 

A health or beauty business can be separated into high and low risk activities.

Low risk activities include hairdressing, temporary make-up application, eyelash/eyebrow extensions or tinting and spray tanning.

High risk activities include beauty therapy such as waxing, threading, manicuring, laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), body piercing, colonic irrigation or tattooing.

Health business includes certain types of accommodation.  

Registration under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act and compliance with the relevant guidelines is arranged through our Environmental Health Unit.

What you need to do

For health and beauty businesses you should make yourself familiar with our start a new health and wellbeing business page.

For accommodation businesses you should be aware of the requirements under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act. There are additional minimum standards which must be met for rooming houses.

Our Planning Department will need to be contacted prior to any works occurring at your Business.

Building fit outs may require a building permit. The simple installation of cabinets, floor or wall linings or combinations may need a permit. It is best to contact our Building Department for determination and to complete a permit application, if necessary.

When you are ready you should submit the application to register form with a copy of the plans.

What we will do

When the form is received an Environmental Health Officer will assess your application.

We may contact you if any matter needs to be clarified and we may arrange an inspection.

We can liaise with you during any construction stage.

The Environmental Health Officer will complete an inspection prior to your business opening. Your premise can only open once you have completed met all the requirements and received the approval of the Health Officer.

Things you should know...

If you wish to sell liquor at your premises, you are required to apply for and obtain a Liquor Licence. To apply for Liquor Licencing you need to contact Liquor Control Victoria on 1300 182 457.

You will also need to talk with our Planning Department regarding the proposal to sell liquor. Also, as liquor is classified as food, you will need to discuss this with your Environmental Health Officer for compliance under the Food Act 1984.

Other health registrations

If you wish to register a tattooing business you will need to discuss this with our Health Services Unit.

We also register some accommodation businesses under the same Act.

Page last updated: Wednesday, 24 July 2024
