Arts and Cultural Strategy 2021-2031

Our Arts and Cultural Strategy 2021-2031 is made up of the following sections and parts:

  • Mayor’s Message
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Principles
  • Outcomes, Objectives and Strategies
  1. Introduction
    1. What do we mean by Arts and Culture?
    2. Why an Arts and Cultural Strategy?
    3. The value of the Cultural and Creative sectors
    4. What we are already doing?
    5. Greater Geelong – A Cultural Snapshot
  2. Arts, Culture and Heritage in Geelong
    1. Creative Economy and Employment
    2. Places and Spaces
    3. Collections
    4. Geelong Stories
  3. What you, the Community have said
  4. Strategies and Key Initiatives
  1. Policy Linkages
  2. The Role of Council
  3. Keys to Success
  4. References

Page last updated: Tuesday, 3 December 2024
