The Minister for Planning delegate has authorised
Amendment C278ggee – Marshall PSP
Exhibition of the amendment commenced Wednesday 24
April 2024 on the ‘Planning scheme amendments’ webpage.
A Precinct Structure Plan is a plan for urban development that describes how land is expected to be used, how and where development can occur, and how and where services are planned to support development.
Marshall is the northern-most precinct structure plan (PSP) covering 124 hectares. In 2017, due to the precincts’ fragmented rural lifestyle landownership, the City committed to prepare the PSP. Preparation of other Armstrong Creek PSPs were developer-led.
Council released a draft Marshall PSP for public consultation in mid-2019. Submissions were received from a mix of landowners, developers and Government agencies and authorities. Since release of the 2019 draft Marshall PSP, we have refined the plan informed by the submissions, new technical assessments and further planning review.
The Marshall Precinct is a unique development location for Geelong. Close to a train station, arterial roads and set within attractive remnant vegetation, the precinct will offer diverse housing choice, local employment opportunities and habitat protection. The precinct is forecast to yield over 1,555 dwellings or approximately 3-4,000 residents.
Key features of the Marshall PSP 2024 include:
- Delivery of a high use public and active transport precinct through transit-oriented design focused on a walkable catchment around Marshall Train Station and links with green spaces.
- Provision of medium and high-density residential development that maximises the location of the station, provides a high amenity interface and integration with land uses including roads, parks, shopping and open space.
- Provision for commercial development with frontage to Barwon Heads Road and on land close to the Barwon River floodplain and the North East Industrial Precinct.
- Delivery of a permeable movement network of on-road and off-road connections incorporating blue-green infrastructure, that links with green spaces, enhance and prioritise public and active transport opportunities and reduces car
- Preservation and enhancement of areas of significant biodiversity value through the retention of native vegetation and tree planting that connects to green links, open space and waterways.
- Delivery of a stormwater management strategy that incorporates offline wetlands, retarding basins, sediment basins and main drainage pipes.
Implementation of the Marshall PSP requires a change to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme via a planning scheme amendment process.
The Marshall PSP July 2023 was adopted by Council at its
meeting on 26 September 2023. The Council also supported public exhibition of Amendment C278ggee to implement
the PSP. You can find the report and adopted Marshall PSP in the Council
Minutes here.
Amendment C278ggee was
authorised by the Minister for Planning on 26 February 2024. Exhibition has now
commenced, and will be open to submissions until 3rd June.
In addition to the Marshall PSP, the amendment will propose to incorporate the Marshall Development Contributions Plan and Marshall Native Vegetation Precinct Plan into the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme. These documents will be exhibited, together with technical reports that informed the amendment.
A copy of the Future Urban Structure Plan from the Marshall PSP 2024 is provided below.
Marshall PSP Future Urban Structure

Click to Enlarge Image
A PDF version of this map is available to download below, under 'Related documents'.
Need to know more...
You can phone us on 03 5272 4820 or send your details via email ([email protected]) to stay up-to-date with what is happening with the Marshall Precinct Structure Plan.